
Category Archives: Divorce


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When is Court Approval Needed for Divorced Parents to Relocate in Michigan?

Parties may go through significant life changes after a Michigan divorce, making a previous court order on child custody no…

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Can Your Divorce Be Denied in Michigan?

It can seem overwhelming when spouses realize it may be time for a divorce. Many decisions need to be made…

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Do Children Have a Say in Michigan Custody Arrangements?

If you have decided to file for divorce, you probably feel scared and overwhelmed. You probably have a lot on…

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Who Should Move Out During Our Divorce?

When you and your spouse decide to divorce, you may wonder: who should move out? You cannot stand each other,…

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How Can You Get a Divorce if Your Spouse Won’t Sign?

When you want to get divorced but your spouse does not want to end the relationship, you might be worried…

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Understanding How Assets are Divided in a Divorce

Divorce is draining emotionally but can have major impacts on you financially, as well. When it comes to marital property division…

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